About Us

M N K D & CO LLP (MNKD) is a Chartered Accountants firm set up in Macrh,2017 providing assurance, taxation, and advisory services. Revered for our professional ethics and technical expertise, having a team of highly competent professionals, we provide efficacious solutions to our client's needs, running into deep engagements.

Philosophy/Approach :

Our philosophy is of partnering with our clients and not being a distant service provider. Since businesses are inherently different, we tailor our services to meet client's specific needs and banish the 'one-size-fits-all' standardization. Our Interdisciplinary approach renders to give you seamless value.

Collaboration :

We collaborate with our clients in all our engagements, work with them as a team and take ownership and responsibility of things, to create long-lasting partnerships.

Transparency :

Our services are aimed at protecting our client's interests. By adopting transparent processes and adhering to the highest ethical standards, we ensure client confidentiality and our own credibility. Whilst collaborating with our clients, we remain absolutely independent to deliver unbiased opinions.

Passion :

We are passionate about our client's success. By creating a highly stimulating work environment, working with utmost dedication and commitment, and focusing on delivery and execution, we perform to not just satisfy but delight our clients.

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